Root Canals

  • Get help fast to save your tooth
  • Relieve your pain and discomfort
  • Restore your tooth’s appearance
  • Avoid further complications
a man wearing glasses and a green shirt

The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

a model of a tooth with a toothbrush next to it
If left untreated, an infected tooth will eventually die. It will either fall out of your mouth or require extraction. Root canal therapy lets you save your tooth before it dies.
The pain and discomfort of an infected tooth can be unbearable. Treatment at our office provides you with the relief you need.
A root canal is affordable and quick way to save an infected tooth. If you don’t get help right away, treating additional complications will cost you more time and money.

The Root Canal Therapy Process

First, Dr. Pan will clean and numb the area. Then, he will use a dental drill to remove decayed and damaged enamel, and create a small opening in the tooth. Through this opening, he will use specialized dental tools to extract decayed tooth material and infected nerves. The area will then be cleaned and disinfected, before being filled with a rubber-like material to ensure it remains strong.

Finally, the tooth will be restored. Fillings are usually used for anterior (front) root canals. For posterior (rear) teeth, a dental crown is typically required to protect the tooth and ensure it remains strong and healthy.

Healing & Aftercare

One of the major benefits of root canal therapy is that you will still be able to chew and feel your bite while keeping your tooth! You can get back to your day-to-day routine immediately. Your tooth may feel a bit tender for a few days, but this is normal. However, serious pain or pain that lasts 1-2 weeks or longer is not normal. If you notice pain after treatment, contact our office at (813) 855-1007 for a follow-up.

Learn More About Root Canal

WebMD: Dental Health and Root Canals
Healthline: How Long Will I Have to Sit in the Dentist Chair During a Root Canal?
Cleveland Clinic: Root Canals

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a couple of men standing next to each other
Dr. Pan
a woman with curly hair wearing a blue shirt
a woman in a blue scrub top smiles at the camera